Siberian Cat Behavior

Feline species are known to be territorial animals where they mark out a certain area as their own territory. They do not like any other animals, especially ones from their own species to enter their domain.

Know your Cat Better by Understanding its Behaviors

Pet owners should understand why cats behave in certain manner to manage their emotions. For instance:

Urinating on Personal Items – Although it may be disgusting, yet your pet cat may pee on your personal items. This action allows it to relieve its anxiety about being invaded by a foreigner.
How to Eliminate incessant peeing – The ideal way to remove such a trait is to be a little tidier and proactively reduce anxiety that your feline pet is feeling.

Scratching furniture, shoes, and bags – Scratching is essential for a cat to sharpen its claws. However, it also scratches to transfer scents to foreign objects. It uses this technique to arouse the scent glands in its paws to emit the scent.
How to eliminate too much scratching – A cat will generally scratch sofas, shoes, socks, and furniture as it is here that there are different types of scents. To avoid this behavior – if it is a menace – you should put scratching posts. Initially, place them in the prominent areas where your feline pet usually scratches. Finally, place them in your preferred spots.

Meowing – A cat meows to communicate. For instance, kittens meow to get attention from their mother. Generally, cats don’t often meow. When they do, it means they intend communicate something to the pet owner.
How to eliminate too much meowing – if your cat makes too much of noise, you can stop this behavior by responding to it only when it is quite.

Kneeding – When cats need to relax, they often kneed by pacing a soft object with their paws. A common object for kneeding is a bed-sheet or blanket. Sometimes they kneed on the lap of their owner. A cat can also kneed to create harmony in the house or with its owner.
How to eliminate kneeding when it becomes gory – When cats drool or purr while kneeding softly, it is a pleasant situation for both the pet and owner. If the cat starts kneeding with its claws it becomes intolerable. You can stop it from hurting you by trimming its claws or using a thick blanket under the paw while it is kneeding.

Swishy Tail – if a cat is hostile and angry, it generally swishes it tail as a signal to show that it is ready to attack. Sometimes it can also show its swishy tail if it wants to play.
How to tackle a cat with swishy tail – Ensure you are not too close to the feline pet while it has a swishy tail. Understand why it is hostile — A new cat is in the vicinity or is it frightened? Keep a blanket with you so that you can use it if it is determined to attack. Provide better toys or treats if necessary to assuage its anger.

Rubbing against an object in the house – The behavior is similar to peeing on objects where the cat wants to transfer their scent on various objects in their own turf. They intend to dominate their presence in the area – say, your house and its belongings.

When rubbing against your cheek or hands, it means that the cat wants attention from you. They generally rub their head and cheeks or their entire body. Sometimes they snug in between the legs. If done moderately, it is a show of warmth and bonding with the owner.

Did the tips help you to manage your cat’s idiosyncrasies? If not, don’t get hassled.

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